Our goal is to be fair and transparent, while ensuring that our groomers are paid for their time and dedication to our shop and clients. Pricing is based on size, coat condition, temperament and average time to complete the service.
Pricing and Sizing for Dogs
Grooming Prices
The following dog grooming prices are starting prices and are estimates are based on dogs on a regular grooming schedule of 2-8 weeks. A variety of factors impact overall price. This includes how often the dog is groomed, their temperament, the type of fur the dog has and the condition of the dog’s coat (see below for more detail).
Doodles range on average are higher than these estimates as they are more work due to a combination coat.
Dogs that are groomed less frequently often require extra time and care for the groomer and as a result will be higher than base estimates.
The following situations may result in extra charges as they require extra attention, care and skill:
- Matted coats
- Compacted undercoats
- Long hair
- Dogs that require a cone or other safety precautions
- Dogs that suffer from extreme anxiety
- Dogs that have difficulty standing
- Senior pets that require extra care, time, and attention
- Pets requiring sedation for stress and anxiety
Toy Size: From feet to shoulder under 10″ AND weight under 12 lbs.
Miniature size: From feet to shoulder 10″ to 15″ AND weight under 25 lbs.
Medium size: From feet to shoulder from 15″ to 18″ AND weight under 45 lbs.
Large size: From feet to shoulder 18″ to 22″ AND weight under 75 lbs.
X Large size: From feet to shoulder 22″ to 24″ AND weight under 80 lbs.
Giant size: From feet to shoulder over 24″ OR weight over 80 lbs.
Average Pricing Chart
Size of Dog
Full Groom (under 8wks)
Full Groom (Over 8 wks)
X-Small (Teacup)
X-Small BBNET (Bath Brush Nails Ears Tidy)
Small (Toy)
Small (BBNET)
Small / Medium
Small / Medium (BBNET)
Medium (BBNET)
Medium / Large
Medium / Large (BBNET)
Large (BBNET)
X-Large (Giant)
X-Large (BBNET)
Golden Retriever
Labrador Retriever
X-Small (Teacup) Dog
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
X-Small BBNET (Bath Brush Nails Ears Tidy)
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Small (Toy) Dog
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Small (BBNET)
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Small / Medium Dog
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Small / Medium (BBNET)
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Medium Dog
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Medium (BBNET)
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Medium / Large Dog
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Medium / Large (BBNET)
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Large Dog
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Large (BBNET)
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
X-Large (Giant) Dog
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
X-Large (BBNET)
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Golden Retriever Dog
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Labrador Retriever
Full Groom (under 8 wks)
Full Groom (over 8 wks)
Bath, Brush, Nails, Ears, Tidy
Monthly Subscription
Size of Dog
Monthly Price
Haircut Length Reference
Clip on Comb Length (fluffy result)
(flat result)
Length in Inches
Length in MM
3F-3 3/4
5/8HT - Scissors Tidy
3/4HT - Scissors Tidy
1.25" CoC Scissors Finish
1.5" CoC Scissors Finish
2" CoC Scissors Finish
5 Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results) 7F
Length in IN 1/8"
Length in MM 3mm
Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results) 6F
Length in IN 3/16"
Length in MM 4.8mm
4 Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results) 5F
Length in IN 1/4"
Length in MM 6mm
2 Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results) 4F
Length in IN 3/8"
Length in MM 10mm
1 Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results) 3F-3 3/4
Length in IN 1/2"
Length in MM 13mm
O Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results) 5/8HT - Scissors Tidy
Length in IN 5/8"
Length in MM 16mm
A Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results) 3/4HT - Scissors Tidy
Length in IN 3/4"
Length in MM 19mm
C Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results)
Length in IN 7/8"
Length in MM 22mm
E Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results)
Length in IN 1"
Length in MM 24mm
Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results)
Length in IN 1.25" CoC Scissors Finish
Length in MM 32mm
Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results)
Length in IN 1.5" CoC Scissors Finish
Length in MM 38mm
Clip on Comb Length (Fluffy Results)
Blade (flat Results)
Length in IN 2" CoC Scissors Finish
Length in MM 50mm
Additional Service Fees
De-mat / De-tangling brushing/comb
Excessive Undercoat Removal
Excessive Hair Growth (over 8 wks of hair growth)
Behavior / Temperament Handling additional
Medicated Bath (e.g. Flea Bath, Skunk Bath)
$60 & up
Nail Grinding additional
Medicated Vet Grade Specialty Shampoo/Conditioner
Pet Coloring additional
$25 & up
Deep Conditioning Treatments
$20.00 & up
Nagayu CO2 allergy rinse
Late Fee (Pick-up past 5pm) if not prearranged
Late Appointment*
Cancellation without 48 hour notification
No Show for appointment
$25 to full price
Special needs arrangement and after hour appointments
*Exceeding 15 minutes may result in a cancelled appointment and/or rescheduled appointment
Pricing for Cats
Bath Brush Nails Ears Sanitary & Tidy ($50 – $80 plus tax)
Service for cats that are shedding and will tolerate a bath! Cats are prone to excessive oil production that can cause skin issues, hold onto excessive amounts of dead hair resulting in matting.
(NO BATH OPTION) price as above
Service dedicated to cats that are shedding but won’t tolerate a bath, but need to have their undercoat removed.
Bath Brush Nails Ears Sanitary & Lion Clip or Teddy Clip ($80 – $100)
A Full lion clip is a perfect choice for cats that have trouble cleaning themselves, easily get matting, have skin issues, or don’t enjoy long home grooming sessions.
A Teddy clip shortens the length of fur all over for easier maintenance.
(NO BATH OPTION) price as above
Service dedicated to cats that need a clip but won’t tolerate a bath or are too stressed by the grooming process.
Charges for Additional Time
Added to Base Price
$2 / min
Handling Fee*
High Risk Handling**
Medicated Treatments
$5 - $15
Deep Conditioning
$5 - $15
Soft Paw 1/2 Set
Soft Paw Full Set
*2 people required to complete the groom
**Fractious, requiring air muzzle, severe matting etc.